Amber Fantaci
73 Steven Place
Smithtown, New York 11787
October 4 2021
Animal Protection Organization
New York, NY
535 8th Ave
New York, NY 10021
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Amber Fantaci, and I am a student at the State University of New York at New Paltz. I am writing to draw more attention to an important issue regarding animals. Medical researchers use innocent animals as a test factor in their experiments to help with their research. As a result, there have been some advances in the medical field. However, the negatives of this situation strongly outweigh the positives. As the public becomes more aware of how animals are experimented on, the debate regarding the experiment is an ongoing conversation.
Animals have been a factor in medical experiments for years. As a result, there have been a number of improvements. Many cures have been discovered for conditions and illnesses as well. However, this does not make research acceptable, in that medical researchers harm animals when they are being experimented on.
Most of the animals that are used in experiments are mice and rats, and rarely dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals. It is necessary that laboratories must provide veterinarian care to relieve animals of their pain during the experiments, but this does not change the fact that they are harming animals to find treatments for humans. People who support animal rights believe that experimenting on animals is unethical. I believe animals should be entitled to the same rights of life and liberty that is given to humans.
Some animal testing has slowed down advancements in the understanding of diseases such as lung cancer and polio. There should be better ways to improve our understanding of medicines that do not involve any type of suffering or loss of animal life.
Naturally, animals need to be in the wild, interact with other species and need to fend for themselves. Researchers capture animals and keep them hostage in cages, which is extremely unhealthy for animals. Animals are then taken to be tested on, where millions of animals are tormented and killed.
Some people believe that animals do not feel pain as strongly as humans. In the past, animals have been harmed in ways such as whiplash, specifically to see results and reactions. Many of these experiments on animals have caused serious injuries to them including brain damage which is incredibly immoral. We should treat animals with the same respect we do to humans, since animals are unable to give consent to the experiments. If the result of testing was not such an extreme punishment, it would be more acceptable. Why is it fair that we treat animals this way, but not humans?
I would like to encourage you to change the way our animals are treated. Animals should not be used as testing objects and should be treated the same as humans. I hope to hear from you so that we can schedule a time to discuss this concern.
Warm Regards,
Amber Fantaci
Amber Fantaci
Medical Experiments: Key to Life
Cruelty: Motives are Irrelevant