Amber Fantaci
73 Steven Place
Smithtown, New York 11787
Smithtown, New York 11787
28 September 2021
Animal Protection Organization
New York, NY
535 8th Ave
New York, NY 10021
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Amber Fantaci, and I am a student at the State University of New York at New Paltz. I am writing to draw more attention to an important issue regarding animals. As an aid in advancing medical research, medical researchers use innocent animals as a test factor in their experiments. As a result, there have been some advances in the medical field, however in my opinion the negatives of this situation overpower the positives. As the public becomes more aware of how animals are experimented on, the debate regarding the experiment is an ongoing conversation.
Animals have been a helpful factor in medical experiments for years. As a result, there have been a numerous number of advances that have drastically improved. Many cures have been discovered for conditions and illnesses. The rise in animal experiments in recent years has made more progress in medical research than ever before.
Continuous advances in medical capabilities has helped save thousands of lives. Online research shows that these experiments have benefited humans in that many deadly diseases have been cured: tuberculosis, malaria, and smallpox. Thankfully, some of these sicknesses are now preventable or treatable. In addition, life threatening diseases have benefited from medications that have been found. Rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, tetanus, and hepatitis are all examples of more possible animal diseases. Animals, as well as humans, benefit from CAT scans, MRIs, ultrasound, pacemakers, artificial joints, and organ transplants.
The majority of animals used in experiments are mice and rats, with a small fraction composed of dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and others. Each year, millions of students dissect frogs, earthworms, and other animals in biology classes. Considering all of the possible deaths. It is believed that animal research is the least cruel position. It is mandatory that laboratories must be provided with veterinarian care to relieve animals of their pain. Research institutions contain animal care and “use of committee that inspects, and monitors every experiment to ensure the best animal care and conditions.” Laboratories have confirmed that animal suffering is kept to a minimum during experiments.
Considering all of the disadvantages of animal experimentation, the argument for animal experimentation grows. People who support animal rights believe that experimenting on animals in unethical. Animals should be entitled to the same respect for life and liberty allocated to humans. Media accuses scientists of “speciesism and a lack of compassion, and of being manipulated by corporate greed.” Furthermore, they extend the alternatives to using animal experimentation, in that human comparisons are essential to fully understand the causes of human diseases, and to develop responses.
Critics say that some animal testing has actually slowed down advancements in the understanding of diseases such as polio and lung cancer. A number of groups such as members of the Coalition for Animals and Animal Research, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, National Research Council and Americans for Medical Progress consider activists for animal rights to be belligerent in relation to humans.
Naturally, animals need to be in the wild, interact with other species and need to fend for themselves. Researchers capture animals and keep them hostage in cages which is extremely unhealthy for animals. About 50-100 million animals are killed for experiments. People believe that animals do not feel pain as strongly as humans. In the past, animals have been harmed in ways such as whiplash, specifically to see results and reactions. Many of these experiments on animals have caused serious injuries to them including brain damage which is incredibly immoral.
I would like to encourage you to change the way our animals are treated. Animals should not be used as testing objects, and should be treated the same as humans. I hope to hear from you so that we can schedule a time to discuss this concern.
Warm Regards,
Amber Fantaci
Amber Fantaci
Animal Experimentation