Dear Reader,

Going into ENG170 this year as a senior, I wasn’t necessarily certain if I would learn much. I started taking the class formally known as Composition II in Spring of 2019 and made it all the way to the final paper being turned in but had to withdraw. I withdrew from the course because the teacher threatened to fail me, even though my grade would have been an A, due to my absences because of my chronic disability. To be perfectly honest, I was dreading this class. This interaction left a sour taste in my mouth about the English department.

I was pleasantly surprised this semester. The teacher instructed us that an important aspect of the course and writing in general, is writing about subject matters you are passionate about. This lead me back to remembering what had taken place just a year before, and I knew exactly what my first essay would be about. Discussing the ablest connotations behind attendance polices.  I continued this semester, racking my brain about passions from baking, to Disney movies. It was a nice change to pick my topics, and I learned that I enjoy writing.

As the semester progressed, I was able to improve things like my grammar, word usage, and how to have a greater understanding of MLA format. These skills enabled me to get my points and views across. In the future I hope to continue my writing and learning.

Thank you,

Addie Gerber