Policies Pledge
Policy Pledge
To help students succeed in Composition and Writing & Rhetoric, the Composition Program has a traditional set of policies designed to foster sustained and productive engagement. These policies are carefully outlined in the syllabus.
Some of these policies have a direct impact on grades if not adhered to correctly. As a reminder, a condensed version of these key policies is outlined below. Please read these policies and sign the pledge to show you acknowledge their implications.
Students are expected to attend every class punctually and to contact instructors (via email) if they miss class.
Two absences (to cover illness or emergencies) are acceptable without consequence, HOWEVER missing more than two classes will reduce your final grade by 1/3 of a letter grade per absence through six absences as follows:
· Three absences will reduce your final grade by a third of a grade point
Example: B+ will be reduced to a B
· Four absences will reduce your final grade by half a grade point
Example: B+ will be reduced to a B-
· Five absences will reduce your final grade by a full grade point
Example: B+ will be reduced to a C+
· Six absences will reduce your final grade by one and a third grade points
Example: B+ will be reduced to a C
· Seven or more absences results in an AUTOMATIC FAILING GRADE
Note: Three tardy constitute one absence. Tardy is defined as arriving after the instructor has taken the roster and begun class. Students are responsible for making sure they are marked on the roster.
*Long-term situations resulting in prolonged absences will be addressed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Composition Program Coordinator. It is the student’s responsibility to provide any necessary supporting medical documentation or other evidence of extenuating circumstances.
*For absences due to Covid-19 &/or Quarantine: If students are well enough, they must make arrangements with their instructors for special accommodations to attend class virtually via Webex or Blackboard Ultra Collaborate.
Exceptions to the Attendance Policies
· Death &/or funeral in the family
· Religious observances: please notify instructors in advance (via email) if you choose to participate in observances in order to avoid being marked absent
· Athletes: away games/matches, conferences etc. Athletes must bring official documentation to the instructor’s attention in advance.
To pass the course all of the following must be completed:
· All main writing assignments
· All relevant coursework
· Oral presentation
· Information Literacy (Library component)
· e-Portfolio (students must have earned a minimum of D in the course to be eligible for e-Portfolio review)
Assignments are expected by the due date.
*Please read and respect your instructor’s policies on late assignments
S/U extensions: There are no S/U extensions for Composition this semester
Incomplete Grade Application: Eligibility for application
· For extenuating circumstances only
· 70% coursework already completed
· Consultation with instructor
· Last day to apply: 6 December
Student’s full name: Abigail Costello
Signature: ACOSTELLO
Date: 9/19/22