When it came to writing essays, I would usually not re-read them because I was confident that my work was fine as it looked but I was assured that was not the case. When I wrote my Rhetorical Analysis essay outline, I received feedback that indicate a few mistakes that needed to be corrected. An example is my use of rhetorical mode to be sure that I am writing in the mode that is intended. Another example can also be making sure my sentence flows together well and that my sentences are grammatically correct. While I was writing there would be simple mistakes that I would make but recently the outlines taught me to re-read my work and to make sure to take a stance that is needed for a mode and to check for simple grammatical mistakes. When I received feedback for my Rhetorical Analysis outline, I immediately started to correct my mistakes. The mistakes I was making were small but I wanted to avoid these mistakes in my papers. I also started to use indent all my paragraphs in my essays to make sure the readers are able to understand what each paragraph is and that it looks nice as an essay. Because of these outlines, Im starting to understand the essential tools that I need to be able to succeed in ENG 170 and in writing in general.  I will make sure to use these tools in my future writing assignments but also for any other subjects that require writing.